December 15, 2011

Slow Process

Hi everybody!! I made it through finals... somehow without a scratch and then it was high time to start in on my Christmas break to do list.

  • Make cleaning schedule.
  • Paint kitchen cabinets.
  • Find something to replace microwave cart.
  • Read "Time of My Life"
  • Finish Christmas shopping.
  • Clean out LR closet.
  • Finish BR closet (buy baskets to corral stuff on shelves and paint it)
  • Paint trim in BR.
  • Have a photo shoot with Mojo and Junior.
  • Host a holiday party????
This is just a quick tentative list I jotted down last week and my first day off from school (yesterday) my aunt and I dove into the biggest task of all since it was a rainy ucky day and we had already planned to anyways, painting the kitchen cabinets.I wanted to get this done before I start working full-time on Sunday. Boo. It is now day two and I am slowly chugging along at my own pace and trying not to have a nervous breakdown because my house it a wreck. Everything will get a final coat as soon as I get done writing this and then the cabinets will get a 3-4 day "cure time". Hooray for no more mismatched cabinets!!!

Here's a before picture to jog everyone's memory.

 And a sneak peek picture ;)

Yes that is a heart shaped paint glob on my arm. Had to take a picture. I'm a nerd, I know.

1 comment:

  1. They are gonna look great Olivia! Pretty color :)
