November 29, 2011

Closet Conversion

So everyone out there has a perfectly organized closet right? Ha! Well some of you may, but I most certainly do not. I have no idea what the little person who built our closet was thinking... Instead of the racks (is that what they're called?) going from side to side, they went from front to back. *Sigh* no it is not a joy to get dressed in the morning for me.

Exhibit A

See what I mean it makes no sense. So I being the creative thinker that I am... not really... decided to turn the rods (there it is) sideways and stack them. Wow. What a difference.

The total cost of this product was nada. I used the existing rods, and wood except for two 2x4s that I got from my father in law. Although they had a million staples in them I can deal because they cost zero money and everything in there is going to get a coat of fresh white paint soon anyways. Sweat equity is my game and I'm dominating. 

All in all this project took four hours. Don't judge, I was by myself and it is not easy to hold rods in place while you screw them to the wall or saw boards by hand. (Note to self get the proper tools for home renovation; will save you loads of time) This little closet makeover was sparked by sheer frustration and I needed to finally got out all of our winter clothes and put the summer ones away.Now if I could just get the shelves on the left hand side organized the closet will be complete, oh and the paint, and pulls on the doors of course. Does the list ever end? Now I can actually see what I pick out to wear in the morning and that makes me one happy chick.

What about you guys is there anything in your house that you wonder, "what was the previous owner thinking?" Are your closets spic and span? You can tell me.

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