December 19, 2011

Free Wrapping Paper

I haven't bought wrapping paper in. a. long. time. I pains me to watch all of that beautiful paper being thrown away after everyone rips into their presents. Well, that and I am a cheap-o pennyless college student :D. Usually I just throw newspaper on gifts along with a bow or reuse gift bags. This year I am getting the Wall Street Journal due to an award I got which means it's fa-reeee and it has some awesome full page ads and by golly they get pretty festive around Christmas-time. So I made the fronts of the gifts pretty and used newspaper to stuff bags with in leui of tissue paper. These gift aren't going to The White House or anything, so its ok if they're a little low key.

Here's what I came up with with a few little snippets of our Christmas tree:

The funny thing is that the watch one is actually a watch kind of gift.

And all lit up.

Kinda blurry, but you get the idea.

This was actually really easy. I just perused the newspaper, found my ads and cut them out. I wrapped the whole gift in newspaper and then taped the ad on the "front." Topped it off with ribbon and viola.

Or you could just do what Eric does...

Pretty, ugly, big or small its the thought behind the gift that matters most of all!

Are you guys ready for Christmas? I just have to get Eric a few more things and then I'll be ready.

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. :) Such a cute idea!!! The Wall Street Journal does have some pretty amazing ads - great idea :)

    I have just become a Pinterest Kid - have you seen how awesome that stuff is? Wowza, you could look for hours!!!

    Merry Christmas
